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Association Friends of the ZDA

The Association Friends of the ZDA has the purpose to promote the development of the ZDA and to strengthen its position within the population, in politics and business. The members of the association receive information about the activities of the ZDA on a regular basis and are invited to the public events. In principle, all natural or legal persons can become a member of the association.


  • Individual membership CHF 50.–/year

  • Members in training CHF 10.–/year

  • Couple membership CHF 80.–/year

  • Membership legal entities CHF 100.–/year




The association Friends of the ZDA finances its activities through membership fees and other contributions. In order to fulfil the purpose of the association and to promote the development of the Aarau Centre for Democracy Studies, additional contributions are welcome.

Canton Aargau has recognized the Friends of the ZDA as a public-interest association: voluntary monetary contributions are tax deductible when the contributions amount to no less than CHF 100 within the tax year (§ 40 lit. k StG und Art. 33a Bst. i DBG). Overall, the deduction may not exceed 20 % of the net income (§ 40 lit. k StG; Art. 33a Bst. i DBG). Legal persons may declare voluntary payments up to 20 % of the taxable net income as commercially justified expenses (§ 69 lit. c StG; Art. 59 Abs. 1 Bst. c DBG).

Please use the following address for payment:

Freunde des ZDA
Villa Blumenhalde
Küttigerstrasse 21
5000 Aarau
IBAN: CH75 0076 1016 1231 9154 1
Aargauische Kantonalbank, 5001 Aarau
PC-Konto: 50-6-9


Peter Buri, Government Spokesman Canton Aargau, Lenzburg

Sonja Eisenring, former President of the Cantonal Council, Aarau

Dr. Urs Hofmann, Dr. iur., lawyer and notary, former member of the cantonal government, Aarau (Chairman)

Barbara Horlacher, Mayor of Brugg

Lukas Keller, former mayor of Endingen

Georg Klingler, lawyer and notary, Baden/Aarau

Jörg Knecht, auditor, Aarau

Irina Lehner, PhD student ZDA, Zurich

Suzanne Marclay-Merz, City Councillor/Grand Councillor, Aarau

Titus Meier, Dr. lic. phil. UZH, Historian, Member of the Grand Council, Brugg

Max Suter, resident councillor, Aarau

Daniel Vulliamy, former member of the Grand Council, Rheinfelden

Danièle Zatti, lic. oec. publ., former President of the Residents’ Council, Owner/Managing Director of Kairos BCT, Aarau